Afghanistan :Embassy of India Malalai Wat
Sher-e-Nau Kabul Tel.: 30556,30557 Tlx.: 332 IND
Algeria :Embassy of India 119, Ter Rue
Didouche Mourad, 4th Floor B.P. 121, Algiers
Tel.: 213-2-747135 Tlx.: 66138 INDEM DZ Fax :
213-2-748513 |
Angola :Embassy of India Predia Dos
Armazens Carrapas No. 81 1st Floor (Kinaxixi)
Caixa Postal 6040 Apartment 'DLuanda
Tel:345-398(O) ,332700 (R) Tlx:4098 ANGELO AN |
Argentina :Embassy of India Cordoba
Avenue, 950, Piso 4 1054 Buenos Aires, Tel.:
54-1-3934001 Tlx.: 23413 EINDIA AR Fax :
54-1-3934063 |
Australia :High Commission of India 3-5,
Moonah Place, Yarralumla Canberra, ACT 2600 Tel.
: 616-2-2733774 Telex: 62362 HICOMIND AA Fax :
616-2-273 3328 |
Austria :Embassy of India and Permanent
Mission of India to the UN Office in Vienna
Karntnerring 2,A-1010 Vienna Tel. : 43-1-5058666
Telex: 113721 INDEM A a Fax : 43-1-5059219 |
Bahrain :Embassy of India, Building
No.182, 714520, Road No.2608, Area 326, P.O. Box
No. 26106, Ghudaibiya, Bahrain Tel. :
973-712683, Telex: 9047 INDEMB BN Fax :
973-715527 |
Bangladesh :High commission of India
House No. 120, Road No. 2 Dhanmondi, Residential
Area Dhaka Tel.: 88-02-503606 Tlx.: 642336 HCIDA
BJ Fax : 88-02-863662 |
Belarus :Embassy of India 4, Koltsova
Street, Block NO. 5 Minsk 220090 Tel.:
7-0172-629399 Tlx.: 252510 INDEMB SU Fax :
7-0172-629799 |
Belgium :Embassy of India, 217, Chaussee-de
Vleurgat 1050, Brussels Tel. : 32-2-6409802
Telex: 22510 INDEMB-B Fax : 322-6489638
Bhutan :Embassy of India, India House,
Estate, Thimphu, Tel. : 9752-22162 Telex:
INDEMB-211-TPU-BT Fax : 9752-23195 |
Botswana :High Commission of India 4th
Floor, Tyrell House The Mall, Pvt. Bag 249 Tlx:
2622 HICOM BD Gaborone, Tel: 267-372676 ,373347
(R) Tlx: 2622 HICOM BD Fax: 267-374636 |
Brazil :Embassy of India SHIS-QI 09 Conj
09 Casa 07 Lago Sul CEP 71625-090 Brasilia DF
Tel.: 00-55-61-2484006 Tlx.: 61-1245 EIND BR Fax
: 00-51-61-2485486 |
Brunei Darussalam :High Commission of
India, Darussalam P.O.Box 439, Old Airport
Complex, Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei Darussalam
Tel. : 673-2-339947,339751 Fax : 673-2-339783 |
Bulgaria :Embassy of India 31,Patriamid
Sofia 1000 Tel:359-2-882522, 876650 723980 (R)
Tlx:22954 INDEMB BG Fax:359-2-876068, 877984 |
Cambodia :Embassy of India Villa
No.777Boulovard Monivong Phnom Penh Tel:
855-23-25981 (O) 25582 (R) Fax: 855-23-26212 |
Canada :High Commission of India 10,
Springfield Road, Ottawa Ontario-KIM 1 C9, Tel.
: 01-613-744-3751/52/53 Telex: 053-417 Fax :
001-613-744-0913 |
Chile :Embassy of India 871 Triana Post
Box 10433 Santiago Tel:00-56-2-2352005 2288840
(R) Tlx:340046 INDEMB CK Fax:00-56-2-2359607 |
China :Embassy of India 1,Ri Tan Dong Lu
Beijing China Tel:86-1-5321908, 5321856 5321970
(R) Tlx:22126 INDEMB CH Fax:86-1-5324684 |
Colombia :Embassy of India 501, Edifieio
Multifiancceiera Calle 71 A No. 6-30 Santa de fe
Bogota, Tel. : 57-1-2175143, 2176954 Fax. :
57-1-2127648 |
Cuba :Embassy of India Calle 21 No.202
Esquina a K.Vedada La Havana (Cuba)
Tel:53-7-333777,333169,333106 Tlx:28-511414
INDEMB DU Fax:53-7-333287 |
Cyprus :High Commission of India 3,
Indira Gandhi Street Montparnasse Hill,Engomi
Nicosia Tel:357-2-351741/ 351170 Tlx:4146
HICOMIND CY Fax:00-357-2-350402 |
Czech :Embassy of India, Republic
Valdstejnska-6, Mala Strana-11800 Prague-1 Tel.
: 42-2-24510364 to 67 Telex: 121901 INDEC Fax :
00-42-2-539495 |
Denmark :Embassy of India, Vangehusvej
15, 2100 Copenhagen, Tel. : 00-45-31182888 Tlx :
15964 INDEMB-IK Fax : 45-1-31299201 |
Egypt :Embassy of India, 5 Aziz Abaza
St., Zamalek, Post Box No. 718, Cairo 11511 Tel.
No.: 00-20-2-3413051 Telex No.: 92081 INDEMB UN
Fax No. : 00-202-3414038 |
Ethiopia :Embassy of India Kabena(Aware
District) Post Box No. 528 Addis Ababa
Tel:00-251-1-552100 510165 (R) Tlx:21148
INDEMBASSY ADDIS Fax:552521, 552309 |
Finland :Embassy of India Satamakatu 2A
8, Helsinki-16 Tel:358-0-608935,608927 (O)
Tlx:125202 INDEM SF Fax:358-0-6221208 |
France :Embassy of India, 15, Rue Alfred
Dehoden cq, 75016, Paris Tel. : 00-33-1-40507070
Telex: 645621 IDEMB F Fax : 00-33-1-40500996 |
Germany :Embassy of India Adenauerallee
262 & 264 53113 Bonn 1 Tel. : 00-49-228-54050
Telex: 8869301 INDM D Fax : 00-49-228-5405153 |
Ghana :High Commission of India No.9
Ridge Road Roman Ridge P.O.Box 3040 Accra
Tel:00-233-21-775601 (O) 777192 (R) Tlx:2154
INDIA GH Fax:233-21-772176 |
Greece :Embassy of India 3, Kleanthous
Street 10674 Athens, Tel.: 00-301-7216227 Tlx.:
216171 IND GR Fax : 00-301-7211252 |
Guyana :High Commission of India 10
Avenue of the Republic Bank of Baroda Building
P.O. Box No.101148, Georgetown Tel:63996 ,68965
Tlx:2953025 HICOMIN GY Fax:592-2-57012 |
Hong Kong :Commission of India
16-D,United Centre 95,Queensway Hong Kong
Tel:00-852-5284028 ,5284029 8120445 (R)
Tlx:74034 COMIN HX Fax:00-852-8654617 |
Hungary :Embassy of India, Buzavirag utca
14, 1025, Budapest-II Tel. : 00-36-1-2123903
00-36-1-2124203 Telex: 22-6374 INDEMH Fax :
00-36-1-1358740 |
Indonesia :Embassy of India, S-1 Jalan
H.R. Rasuna Said, Kuningam, Jakarta, Selatan
-12950 Tel. : 62-21-5204150 5204152 Telex: 60953
INDEMB IA Fax : 62-21-5204160 |
Iran :Embassy of India, 46 Mir Emad,
Corner of 9th Street,Dr. Bheshti Avenue Post Box
No. 15875-4118 Tehran Tel. : 98-21-855102 to 6
Tlx: : 212858 INDEM IR Fax : 98-21-855973 |
Iraq :Embassy of India, House No. 6,
Zokak No. 25 Mohalla 306, Hay Al Maaharib,
P.O.Box 4114 Adhamiya Baghdad Tel. :
00964-1-4222014,16 & 17 Telex: 21-2248
INDEMBASSY IK Fax : 964-1-4225438 |
Ireland :Embassy of India 6,Leeson Park
Dublin 6 Tel:353-1-4970843,4970959 Tlx:30670
DTLX Fax:353-1-4978074 |
Israel :Embassy of India 4,Kaufman
Street,Sharbat HouseTle Aviv 68012 Tel.:
00-972-3-5101431/32 Tlx.: 371583 INDEM IL Fax :
00-972-3-5101434 |
Italy :Embassy of India, Via XX Settembre
5, Rome-00187 Tel. : 39-6-4884642 to 45 Telex:
611274-INDEMB-I Fax : 39-6-4819539 |
Ivory Coast :Embassy of India 06 B.P 318
Abidijan 06 Ivory Coast Tel:
225-445231,445246,440084 413420 (R) Tlx: 28103
INDEMB CI Fax: 225-440111 |
Jamaica :High Commission of India 4
Retreat Avenue, P.O.Box No. 446, Kingston-6
Tel.: 00-1-809-9270486 Tlx.: 3546 HCIKGN Fax :
9782801 Kingston-6 |
Japan :Embassy of India, 2-2-11 Kudan
Minami, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo-102 Tel. 81-3 3262-2391
to 2397 32022169 (R) Tlx. 2324886 INDEMB J Fax.
00-81-3-32344866 |
Jordan :Embassy of India Post Box No.
2168 Ist Circle, Amman Tel. 962-6-622098,637262
641927 (R) Tlx. 21068 INDEMB JO Fax.
00-962-6-659540 |
Kazakhstan :Embassy of India Ulitsa
Internationalnaya 71 Almalty 480091 Tel.:
7-3272-671411 Tlx.: 251352 INDDALSU Fax.:
7-3272-676767 |
Kenya :High Commission of India, Jeevan
Bharti, 224500 Harambee Avenue, P.O.Box
No.30074, Nairobi Tel. : 254-2-222566,222567
224500 Telex: 22079 HICOMIND Fax ; 254-2-334167 |
Korea(North) :Embassy of India 6,
Munsudong District Daedonggang Pyongyang (DPR
Korea) Tel.:850-2-817277 Tlx :35035 IND KP Fax
:850-2-817619 |
Korea(South) :Embassy of India 37-3
Hannam Dong Yongsan-ku CPO Box 3466 Seoul Tel.
82-2-7984257,7984268 7949867 (R) Tlx. 24641
INEMB K Fax. 82-2-7969534 |
Kuwait :Embassy of India, Diplomatic
Enclave Arabian Gulf Street P.O. Box 1450 Safat
13015-Safat Tel. : 00-965-2530600 Tlx. : 22273
INDEMB KT Fax. : 00-965-2525811 |
Kyrghyzstan :Embassay of India Hotel
"Bishkek, Erkindik Av.21, Bishkek Tel.:
007-3312-221721 Fax : 007-3312-222559 |
Laos :Embassy of India Rue That Luang
P.O. Box No. 225 Vientiane (Laos) Tel.
00-856-21-413802 Tlx. 4326 EMINDI LS |
Lebanon :Embassy of India 31 Kantari
Street Sahmarani Bldg. P.O. Box No. 113-5250 and
P.O. Box No. 1764 Beirut Tel.
961-1-353892,869806 520443 (R) Tlx. 20229 INDEMB
LE Fax. 961-1-869806 |
Libya :Embassay of India 16/18, Shara
Mahmoud Shaltout Garden City P.O.Box 3150,
Tripoli Tel: 218-21-41835 Tlx: 20115 INDEMBASSY
Fax: 218-21-37560 |
Madagascar :Embassy of India 4 Lalana
Rajaonson Emile Tsaralalana BP 1787 Antananarivo
Tel:261-2-23334 27156 Tlx:22484 INDEMB MG
Fax:261-2-33790 |
Malaysia :High Commission of India, No.2
Jalan Taman Dutta, Off Jalan Dutta P.O.Box No.
10059 GPO 50704 50480 Kuala Lumpur Tel. :
603-2533504 2533509 Telex: MA 30317 Fax :
603-2533507 |
Maldives :High Commission of India
Mafaannuaage, 37 Orchid Magu, Male, Tel:
00-960-323015 Tlx: 89666044 HICOMIND MF Fax:
00-960-324778 |
Malta :High Commission of India Regional
Road St.Julians Velettta Tel:356-344302 (O)
410080(R) Tlx:1618 HICIND MW Fax:356-34429 |
Mauritius :High Commission of India L.I.C.
Building, 6th Floor President John Kennedy
Street Post Box No. 162 Port Louis Tel:(230)
2083776 , (230) 2083775 Tlx: 4523 HICOMIND IW
Fax : (230) 2086859 |
Mexico :Embassy of India Avenida Musset
325, Colonia Polanco C.P.11550, Mexico D.F Tel:
00-52-5-5311050 Tlx: 1775864 EMINME Fax:
00-52-2542349 |
Mongolia :Embassy of India 26 Peace
Street 358122 P.O.Box 691,Ulaanbaatar Tel:
976-1-358772 ,358122, 358795 (R) Tlx:
0800-79325-INEMB MH Fax: 976-1-358171 |
Morocco :Embassy of India 13, Charia
Mechlifen Agdal, Rabat Tel:212-7-674543 , 671339
Tlx:31024 INDEMB M Fax:212-7-671269 |
Mozambique :Embassy of India Avenida
Kenneth Kaunda No.167 P.O.Box 4751, Maputo
Tel:258-1-492437 (O) 491836 (R) Tlx:6-452 INDEMB
MO Fax:00-258-1-492364 |
Myanmar :Embassy of India No.545-547,
Merchant Street Post Box No.751 Yangon
Tel:95-1-82550 to 52 Tlx;21431 INDEMB BM
Fax:00-95-1-89562 |
Namibia :High Commission of India
97,Klein Windhoek Road P.O.Box 1209 Windhoek
Tel: 264-61-226037, 228433 226288 (R) Tlx: 832
HCIWK WK/476 WK Fax: 264-61-37320 |
Nepal :Embassy of India, Lain Chaur, P.O.
Box No. 292, Kathmandu Tel : 97-71-410900,
411940 Tlx : 0891-2449 INDEM NP Fax :
97-71-413132 |
Netherlands :Embassy of India, 5
Buitenrustweg 2, 2517 KD, The Hague, Tel. :
31-70-3469771, 3659125 Telex: INDEM-33543-NL Fax
: 00-31-70-3617072 |
New Zealand :High Commission of India,
180, Moleworth Street, P.O. Box-4045 Wellington
Tel. : 64-4-4736390 4736391 Telex: HICOMIND NZ
31676 Fax : 64-4-4990665 |
Nigeria :High Commission of India, 8A
Eleke Crescent, P.M.B.2322, Victoria Island
Lagos Tel. : 234-1-616604 , 615905 Telex: 28969
HCI NG Fax : 234-1-613668 |
Norway :Embassy of India, Niels Juels
Gate 30, 0244, Oslo-2 Tel. : 47-22-443194 Telex:
78510 INDEM N Fax : 4722-440720 |
Oman :Embassy of India, P.O. Box 1727,
Ruwi, Muscat, Postal Code 112 Tel. :
968-706966,706894 Telex: 3429-INDEMBS ON Fax :
968-797547 |
Pakistan :High Commission of India G-5
Diplomatic Enclave Islamabad Tel:
00-92-51-814371 Tlx: 825849 HICOMIND PK Fax:
00-92-51-820742 |
Panama :Embassy of India Edificio Banco
Continental No. 120, Via Espana, Post Box No.
8400, Zone 7 Panama Tel. (507) 64-3043,2416 Tlx.
2273 INDEMB PG Fax. 00-507-64-2855 |
Peru :Embassy of India, Av. Salaverry,
3006 Magdelena del Mar, Lima-17 Tel. No.:
00-51-14-621840 Telex No.: 03625515 PEINDEBAS
Fax No. : 00-51-14-610374 |
Philippines :Embassy of India, 2190,
Paraiso Street, Dasmrinas Village, Makati Metro,
Manila Tel. : 63-2-872445 , 873339 Telex: 63595
INDEMB PN Fax : 63-2-8158151 |
Poland :Embassy of India Ul. Rejtana 15,
Flats 2 to 7 Mokotow 02-516, Warsaw Tel.
48-22-496257, 495800 Tlx. 814891 INDEM PL. Fax.
48-22-496705 |
Portugal :Embassy of India Rua Pero da
Covilha 16, 1400 Lisbon Tel. : 351-1-3017291
,3017292 Telex: 62670 INDEMB P Fax :
351-1-3016576 |
Qatar :Embassy of Inida, P.O. Box No.
2788, Al Hilal Area, Doha Tel. :
00-974-672716,00-974-672067 Telex: 4646 INDEMB
DH Fax : 00-974-670448 |
Romania :Embassy of India 11, Uruguay
Street, Bucharest Tel. 40-1-2121630 Tlx. 11619
INDEMB R Fax. 00-40-1-3125681 |
Russian Federation :Embassay of India 6-8
Vorontosovo Polye(Obukha) Moscow Fax:
00-7-095-9752337 Tel: 00-7-095-9170820 Tlx:
413409 INDEM SU Fax: 00-7-095-9752337 |
Saudi Arabia :Embassy of India Off Old
Airport Road (Besides Ministry of Petroleum
Building) Post Box No.94387, Riyadh 11693 Tel:
966-1-4777006 (4 lines) Tlx: 406077 INDEMB SJ
Fax: 966-1-4778627 |
Senegal :Embassy of India 5, Avenue Carde,
1st Floor, B.P. 398, Dakar Tel: 221-225875,
210979 Tlx; 51514 INDEMB SG Fax: 221-223585 |
Seychelles :High Commision of India P.Box
No. 488 Le Chantier Victoria,Mahe Tel.
248-224489(O) 224150(R) Tlx. 965-2349 HICOM SZ
Fax. 248-224810 |
Singapore :High Commission of India,
India House, 31, Grange Road P.O. Box 9123
Singapore - 0923 Tel. : 00-65-7376777, 7376809
Telex: 25526 BHARAT RS Fax : 00-65-7326909 |
South Africa :High Commission of India
Suite 208, Infotech Building 1090 Arcadia Street
P.O.Box No. 40216 Arcadia 0007, Pretoria Tel:
27-11-3425392 Fax: 27-11-3425310 |
Sri Lanka :High Commission of India,
36-38 Galle Road, P.O No.882 Colombo-3 Tel. :
00-94-1-421605 ,00-94-1-422788 Telex: 21132
HICOMIN CE Fax : 00-94-1-446403 |
Sudan :Embassy of India P.O. Box 707 61-
Africa Road Khartoum-II Tel.
249-11-451031,451029 Tlx. 22228 INDEM SD Fax.
249-11-452266 |
Surinam :Embassy of India 10, Rode
Kruislaan Post Box No.1329 Paramaribo, Tel.
597-498018, 498344 Tlx. 472 INDEMB SN Fax.
597-491106 |
Sweden :Embassy of India, Adolf Fredriks
Kyrkogata 12, Box 1340, 11183 Stockholm. Tel. :
468-107008,4113212, Telex: 11598 INDETEL S Fax :
468-248505. |
Switzerland :Embassy of India,
Effingerstrasse 45, CH-3008, Berne. Tel. :
41-31-3823111 Telex: 911829 INDE-CH Fax :
00-41-31-3822687 |
Syria :Embassy of India 40/46 Adnan Malki
Streret, Yassin Nouwelati Bld. P.O. Box. 685,
Damascus Tel. 963-11-719580 Tlx. 411377 INDEM SY
Fax. 00963-11-713294 |
Tajikistan :Embassy of India Hotel
Tajikistan Dushanbe Tel: 00-3772-217497 Fax:
007-3772-212755 |
Tanzania :High Commissioner of India NIC
Investment House Samora Avenue 11th Floor, Wing
A P.O. Box No. 2684 Dar-es-Salaam Tel.
255-51-28197 Tlx. 41335 HICIND TZ Fax.
255-51-46747 |
Thailand :Embassy of India, 46,Soi
Prasarnmitr, Soi 23, Sukhumvit Road,
Bangkok.10110 Tel. : 66-2-2580300-6 Telex :
82793 TH Fax : 62-2-2584627. |
Trinidad & Tobago :High Commission of
India, No.6,Victoria Avenue, P.B.No.530, Port of
Spain, Tel. : 1-809-6277480,6277481 Telex:
1-294-22514 HICOMIN WG. Fax : 1-809-6276985 |
Tunisia :Embassy of India 4, Place Didon
Notre Dame Tunis Tel. 216-1-786647 Tlx. 18072
INDEM TN Fax. 216-1783394 |
Turkey :Embassy of India 77A, Cinnah
Caddesi Cankaya-06680 Ankara Tel. (90)
312-4382195 Tlx. 46541 INDE TR Fax. 4403429 |
Turkmenistan :Embassy of India Room
No.103, Nogina Hotel Nogina Street 11 P.O.Box
80,Krugozar P.O. Ashgabat-13 Tel:00-73632-469030
Tlx:228125 INDEMSU Fax:00-73632-469030 |
UAE :Embassy of India, Villa No.9, Street
No.5 Sector 2/33, Khalidiya Post Box No. 4090
Abu Dhabi Tel. : 00971-2-664800 Telex: 22620
INDEMB EM Fax : 00-971-2-651518 |
Uganda :High Commisson of India Bank of
Baroda Bld. Kampala Road P.O. Box 7040 Kampala
Tel. 256-41-244631,245037 (R) Tlx. 61161 INDREP
Fax. 256-41-254943 |
Ukraine :101 Embassy of India Room No.601
to 608 and 622 to 630, Hotel Rus Gospitalnaya
Street, Kiev Tel: 2278325 Tlx: 131459 INDKV SU
Fax: 007-044-2278305 |
United Kingdom :High Commission of India,
India House, Aldwych, London WC2B 4NA. Tel. :
44-71-8368484 44-71-3796242 Telex: HICOMIND
LON-267166 Fax : 44-71-8364331 |
USA :Embassay of India T 2107
Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington DC 20008 Tel.
: 1-202-9397000 Telex: 440365 ISMV VI Fax :
1-202-9397027 |
Uzbekistan :Embassy of India Ulitsa,
Alexie, Tolstogo No.3 Tashkent, Tel:
00-7-3712-338357,338267 Tlx: 116115 INDEM SU
Fax: 00-7-3712-321976 |
Venezuela :Embassy of India Qunita Tagore,
No.12 Avenida San Carlos, La Floresta, Aparatado
De Correo 61585 Chacao 1060-A Caracas, Tel:
58-2-285806, 2857887 Tlx: 25438 INDEM VC Fax:
58-2-2840947 |
Vietnam :Embassy of India 58-60, Tran
Hung Dao Hanoi Tel. 00-84-4-253409 252310(R)
VietnamTlx. (805) 411313 INDEMB VT Fax.
00-844-265169 |
Yemen :Embassy of India Off Zubeiri Road
Street No. 8 Bld. No. 6 Post Box No.1154, Sana'a
Tel. 00-967-1-241980 Tlx. : 2578 INDEMBASSY YE
Fax. : 00-967-1-263062 |
Yugoslavia :Embassy of India B06-07 Genex
International Centre, Vladimira Popovica 6,
11070 Belgrade, Tel: 381-11-222 3306 Tlx: 71127
Zambia :High Commission of India 1,
Pandit Nehru Road P.O.Box 3211, Lusaka Tel.
260-1-243158,253159 262901 (R) Tlx. 41420 INDIA
ZA Fax. 00-260-1-254118 |
Zimbabwe :High Commission of India No.12,
Natal Road, Belgravia Post Box 4620 Harare Tel:
263-4-795955, 795956 Tlx: 24630 HICOM ZW Fax:
263-4-722324 Tel: 263-4-795955, 795956 Tlx:
24630 HICOM ZW Fax: 263-4-722324 |