Development Commissioner N.E.P.Z. Noida and
incharge of entire North zone Shri S.K. Mishra addressed
our Exporters at Khasa Kothi chiefly 100% E.O.U. to get
updated knowledge about processing and registration in
Noida with ample concession in taxes & duties. |
Bar-coding Seminar was also held at Chamber
Bhawan Jaipur with technical & Managerial support of
M/s. Cosomo Commercial Corporation Jaipur, Great Eastern
Impex Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon & EAN India Ltd., New Delhi. |
A conference on 'VAT' and its implications on
Export was organized ata Chamber Bhawan, Jaipur where
Shri Purshottam Agarwal, I.A.S. Commissioner Comercial
Taxes was the Chief Speaker. It was an open House meet
solving queries then & there raised by many exporters in
the audience. |
A Seminar on Banking was organized with
collaboration of IDBI Bank at Rajputana sheraton Hotel,
Jaipur. |
Officers of IDBI Bank from Jaipur and their Head
Office Bombay also addressed the audience updating their
knowledge about 'FERA & FEMA'. |
Shri Devendra Mohan Mathur Advocate and expert
on Consumer Law and liabilities of Bank, shipping and
Insurance Companies in case of dispute was very well
explained & highlighted. |
About 145 Exporters attended this Seminar. |
The Honking Trade Development Council (HKDC)
Director Mr. Stephen Liange explained in detail
about participation in Hong Kong exhibitions
enumerating various advantages. |
At Pink City Press Club Ltd., Jaipur a
Conference on 'VAT' was organised with Chief
Speaker Shri Purshottam Agarwal, I.A.S.
Commissioner, Commercial Taxes along with Mr.
Ravi Rainwalla, FCA Chartered Accountant and
Shri Pankaj Ghiya Advocate and Sales Tax Expert.
It was a very useful Seminar. |
We has applied JCA for allotment of land to
'FORE' for building our office. |